Thursday, August 25, 2011


I am absolutely in love with the concept of being a Mudlark and plucking antique treasures and artifacts from the banks of the River Thames in England. The term "Mudlark" may be used to describe mud scavengers in search of discarded or lost valuables in London during the 18th and 19th centuries. While it initially had a negative connotation, "Mudlark" is now a proudly worn title by those who enjoy the sport today. ThamesArt on Etsy has compiled some delicious and creative artwork with her finds obtained from her adventures as a Mudlark.

Barring a trip to England any time soon, I'm going to keep an eye on her shop for the perfect arrangement.

Perhaps this could be a wedding present to myself? That pottery shard (top right) in particular from an 1800's Scottish shipping company has me hankering for it.

Discover more about the world of mudlarking via

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sock Drawer Spelunking

When I work from home, I get to have a feathered coworker keep me company.

In order to distract Papaya from jumping onto my keyboard and prying up the keys, I let him romp around in my sock drawer, which he loves.